Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (referred to as the "Policy") applies to all information that the website tengo. by may collect about users during their interaction with the site.

By using the site and/or providing personal data on the site, users consent to the collection and use of their information in accordance with this Policy.

The handling of information provided by users—including its collection, storage, sharing, and protection—is governed by this Policy and the relevant laws of the Republic of Belarus.

If users do not agree with the terms of this Policy, they must discontinue their use of the site immediately.

1.1. Website — The website located on the Internet at All exclusive rights to the website and its individual components (including software and design) are fully owned by the website’s owner, Tengo Group LLC (registered in the Republic of Belarus and located at: 220 123, Minsk, Vera Khoruzhey Street, Building 25/8, (first floor)).

1.2. Site Administration — The official representatives of the website owner who have the authority to manage the site and/or process personal data.

1.3. User — An individual who has access to the website via the Internet and uses the information provided on the site for personal or professional purposes.

1.4. Personal Data — Personal information provided by the User either voluntarily or through the use of the website’s functionality.

1.5. Processing of Personal Data — Any actions performed with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating, use, transfer, and deletion of personal data.

1.6. Confidentiality of Personal Data — The mandatory requirement to prevent the dissemination of personal data, except as required by law.

2.1. Tengo Group LLC collects and retains only the personal data necessary for identifying Users, providing services, and interacting with Users.

When a User fills out a service request, performs any other actions on the site, and/or uses any part of the site, they consent to:

  • The processing of their personal data, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, processing, clarification (updating, modification), comparison, use, anonymization, blocking, deletion, and any other actions with personal data, in accordance with applicable legislation.
  • Receiving promotional materials, newsletters, and/or other information from Tengo Group LLC through electronic, facsimile communication, SMS, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, and other communication channels.
  • Participation in statistical and other research activities.
The User consents to the use of their personal data for the following purposes:
  • Identifying the User who is registered on the site.
  • Providing and offering goods and services.
  • Enhancing the quality of services and the site, improving usability, and developing new features and functionalities.
  • Delivering site services.
  • Establishing communication with the User, including sending notifications related to site usage, service provision, and handling User messages.
  • Verifying the accuracy and completeness of the personal data provided by the User.
  • Offering effective customer and technical support in the event of issues related to site usage.

Personal information collected by Tengo Group LLC through the site may be combined with information the User provides through other means (such as verbally, in writing, via fax, etc.).

The User’s consent remains valid until it is withdrawn. To withdraw consent, the User must send a written notice to Tengo Group LLC at the following email address:
2.2. Tengo Group LLC collects and processes the following personal data:

  • Full name (including first name, middle name, and last name);
  • Email address;
  • Contact phone numbers;
  • Company details;
  • Date of birth (day, month, year);
  • Job title;
  • Any other information relevant to the User’s identity.
2.3. The User has the right to:
2.3.1. Request information about which of their personal data is stored by Tengo Group LLC.
2.3.2. Demand the correction, blocking, or deletion of their personal data if it is incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate.
2.3.3. Withdraw their consent for the collection and processing of their personal data at any time.
2.3.4. Receive information about the duration of the processing and storage of their personal data.
2.3.5. File a complaint with an authorized data protection authority or seek legal recourse for any unlawful actions or omissions in the processing of their personal data.
2.4. Request the deletion of their personal data upon withdrawal of consent, as outlined in Section 3.6 of the Privacy Policy.
2.5. Tengo Group LLC is not liable for any inaccuracies in the information provided by the User.
2.6. The User understands that if they have permitted their personal information to be shared with third parties, Tengo Group LLC cannot control how these third parties use the disclosed data.

3.1. Tengo Group LLC is committed to handling personal data in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Belarus.
3.2. The confidentiality of personal and other data provided by the User is upheld, except in the following circumstances:

  • When the data is publicly accessible.
  • When the User voluntarily provides information for public access to an unlimited audience.
  • When the data is used with the User’s consent.
  • When necessary for the User to utilize specific site services or to deliver services to the User.
  • When required by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or other applicable laws, and/or by the request of an authorized government agency.
3.3. Personal information is stored on servers maintained by Tengo Group LLC.
3.4. Tengo Group LLC ensures adequate protection of personal and other data in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and implements all necessary organizational and technical measures to safeguard User data.
3.5. For any questions regarding this Privacy Policy and/or their rights, or to withdraw their consent, Users should contact Tengo Group LLC’s designated representative at
3.6. Upon receipt of a User’s withdrawal of consent for the processing of their personal data, Tengo Group LLC will cease processing the personal data.

4.1. The site contains and may contain links to external websites. Tengo Group LLC does not control or take responsibility for the content of these sites. These websites should have their own privacy policies.

5.1. Tengo Group LLC reserves the right to amend the Privacy Policy (in whole or in part) unilaterally at any time without prior notice to the User.
5.2. The updated Privacy Policy will take effect immediately upon its publication, unless otherwise specified in the revised version. The current version of the Policy is always available at tengo. by/privacy_policy.
5.3. The User is responsible for regularly reviewing the Privacy Policy to stay informed of any changes.

6.1. This Privacy Policy and any related interactions between the User and Tengo Group LLC are governed by the laws of the Republic of Belarus.
6.2. All correspondence between Tengo Group LLC and the User will be conducted via email. Tengo Group LLC will send emails to the address provided by the User. An email sent by Tengo Group LLC is considered received by the User on the same day it is sent.